contact us

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.  We would love to hear from you!

1227 39th AVE
San Francisco California, 94122

(415) 374-1876

Au P’tit Monde de San Francisco and Au P’tit Monde de la Péninsule are two French Immersion Preschools for children 2-5 year olds. The lessons in the “Petite Ecole” and “Grande Ecole” take place entirely in French.


Daily Schedule

Children’s activities change every thirty minutes. This variety keeps the children active and motivated throughout the whole day. A typical daily schedule would include art, dance, math, flashcards, lesson sheets and music. With the small class size, children receive individual attention and reinforcement and are always encouraged to participate and interact.

The curriculum of our class is organized around monthly themes such as families, science, neighborhoods, seasons, pets, transportation, restaurants or water. Math, art, theater and music are integrated into each theme. Lesson plans are sent to you so that you know what your child is learning everyday.


Daily Schedule

8:00 - 9:00 am
Children are greeted by a teacher, put away their belongings and find an activity. Work Period: Children can work with blocks, dramatic play, woodworking, manipulative, science materials, music or books, or participating in teacher-led activities.

9:00 am
Circle Time: Children gather to start circle time with “BONJOUR AU P’TIT MONDE” song, Read stories, and participate in group discussions and lessons.

9:30 am Breakfast Time

10:00 am Art projects, dance class, cooking class, etc.

11:00 am Free play, washing hands

11:30 am Lunch

12:15 pm Clean up, reading and group discussion

1:00 pm Nap and quiet time

3:00 pm Snack time and clean up

4:00 - 5:30 pm Planned activities and/or outdoor time, Parents arriving. AU REVOIR!

* This is not a fixed Schedule; it is flexible to children’s changes, ages and needs.